These two videos feature the importance of expressing (and acting to fulfill) the wishes of an entire community. Selflessness is featured here and given priority over hording, inaction and greed. In the first video the heroine has been far too self-focused, worried about her own misfortunes. But Lord Vishnu intervenes and persuades her to think about others. He wants her to focus on helping them rather than to continue to think about herself. In the second video the same heroine has just acquired significant wealth. Now Lord Vishnu “tests” her by confronting her with numerous ragged beggars. This woman, still living in a humble hut herself, decides to generously give away her wealth. After seeing her make this commitment, Vishnu rewards her for this by re-filling her many harvest baskets with jewels. These two shorts have been excerpted from The Legend of Ponnivala’s animated Episodes #11 and #7 respectively.