This clip actually precedes the previous one. I have chosen to discuss these two excerpts in reverse chronological in order to clarify the “set-up” these artisans are faced with, first. It is now appropriate to ask why do they agree to this contest? After all, they walked out of the Chola palace in protest. Why don’t they walk away from this ritual as well?
The answer seems obvious from the artisan’s behaviour. They worship Lord Vishnu and call out his name the moment that he (magically) appears. These men then listen to the Chola’s question, put to the great Lord, about to whom he should grant the power to rule over the lands of Ponnivala? The biased “set up” becomes even clearer now. The king has been clever in his decision to call on Vishnu. He knows that no one will contest the power of this great god or question his choice of a dispute resolution mechanism.
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